Millie Guarneri
Chief Operating Officer

Millie is a real estate industry professional with over 30 years of experience. Millie started her journey as a processor for a major real estate firm and soon after obtained a real estate salespersons license. As a processor and subsequently a real estate salesperson, Millie has over the years, handled countless residential and commercial transactions and knows what it takes to satisfy all parties. Her professionalism and pleasant personality were well received in the marketplace.

Always the achiever, Millie obtained her real estate brokers license and became the manager of a fifty-agent office which included several agents nationally ranked for their production. During this phase of her career, Millie not only became an expert in her field but also acquired and developed top shelf managerial skills. Millie is a motivator, teacher, and mentor to all that work for her. 

About fifteen years ago Millie changed careers and entered the world of title insurance where she took her prior acquired real estate expertise and applied it to the title industry. Having sat on both sides of the closing table for many years has been a tremendous asset for her. As a title professional, Millie has successfully closed numerous commercial and residential transactions. She knows the wants, needs of her clients, and has the acumen to solve the most complex problems presented to her. Many lawyers, brokers, developers, and realtors call Millie their “go to” person. Her knowledge and expertise at the closing table have earned her the respect of her peers.

Millie received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude, from Rutgers University, where she was invited to join the prestigious Beta Gamma Sigma Honors Society, a designation awarded only to those select students ranked in the top ten percent of their class.